
Become a Rain and Hail Agent

Start the process of partnering with Rain and Hail today!

Become an Independent Adjuster

Get more information on becoming an independent adjuster for Rain and Hail, including how to apply.

Crop Insurance Resources

Claims Resources and FAQs

Find an Agent

Provide some quick information to have your local Rain and Hail Division Office reach out to you with crop insurance agents in your area!

Limited English Proficient (LEP) Information

Information on how to request assistance for individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English.

Precision Ag Data and Crop Insurance

Get information on how to start using this time-saving advancement today!


Rain and Hail Insurance Society

Promoting strong public support for crop insurance as the economic safety net for farmers to assure a bountiful food supply.

Political Resources

Rain and Hail Merchandise

Purchase Rain and Hail branded gear.


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