Projected Prices

Projected prices currently in discovery are imported from RMA and shown below. Historical Commodity Pricing for past projected prices, including recently released.

Sort the table below by any of the column headers by clicking on the header links in the table. You can also search by Commodity or State. Ex: Commodity contains Corn Wheat. And, State Abbrev contains IA WI. This will list Corn and Wheat and IA and WI.

480 records found.
Commodity (Type) Practice State Sales Closing Date Projected Date Range Contract Month Board of Trade Projected Price
Flax (Spring) Organic ND 03/15 02/01 - 02/28 Nov ICE $29.8200
Flax (Spring) Organic SD 03/15 02/01 - 02/28 Nov ICE $29.8200
Grain Sorghum (All) Conventional CO 03/15 02/01 - 02/28 Dec CBOT $4.7200
Grain Sorghum (All) Conventional DE 03/15 02/01 - 02/28 Dec CBOT $4.7200
Grain Sorghum (All) Conventional IL 03/15 02/01 - 02/28 Dec CBOT $4.7200
Grain Sorghum (All) Conventional IN 03/15 02/01 - 02/28 Dec CBOT $4.7200
Grain Sorghum (All) Conventional IA 03/15 02/01 - 02/28 Dec CBOT $4.7200
Grain Sorghum (All) Conventional KS 03/15 02/01 - 02/28 Dec CBOT $4.7200
Grain Sorghum (All) Conventional KY 03/15 02/01 - 02/28 Dec CBOT $4.7200
Grain Sorghum (All) Conventional MD 03/15 02/01 - 02/28 Dec CBOT $4.7200
